Global Outreach Partners
- Steve & Tasnja Brown serving in Serbia with InterVarsity
- Joel & Renata Burnell serving in Poland with World Venture
- Cedric & Laurel Givry serving in Columbia, SC with Cadence International
- Kimyal Bible Project in Indonesia under the direction of Orin & Rosa Kidd
- Richard & Starla Kull serving Mexico with Faith Christian Missions
- Terry & Lorie Lingel serving in Mexico with International Gospel Ministries
- Becky Loughridge serving NW Oregon/Willamette Valley with Awana
- Mario & Lancy Pina serving in Portugal with Faith Christian Missions
- Bill & Vered serving with OM International
- Jim & Vera Stair retired from Wycliffe Bible Translators
- Sierra Stopper teaching English in Slovakia
- Dan & Margie Teeter serving in Brazil with Crossworld
- David & Kimberly Viero serving in with Free Burma Rangers
- Joan Wiebe retired from SIM in Bolivia
- Eli & Sayla Wilkinson serving in the US with Child Evangelism Fellowship
Local Outreach Partners
- Community Bible Study Helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus by exploring the Bible
- The Father's Heart Street Ministry His hands extended in love to the homeless and low income in Clackamas County
- First Image Compassion toward those who are vulnerable, voiceless, or misled.
- The Gideons International Winning the lost for Christ by distribution of Bibles and New Testaments in selected streams of life
- Operation Christmas Child Sharing the message of the Gospel and blessing children around the world
- Our Daily Bread Ministries Devotional and Instructional Media