Mark 10:14 (ESV)
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Christ tells us in the Gospel of Mark that children are valuable members of the body of Christ; We take that to heart by providing all children at CBC with a safe and caring environment where they can experience God and begin to have their hearts shaped toward their loving Creator. If you have any questions about one of our programs for children, please contact Pastor Phil Rankin. Awana Clubs meet on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 (September - May). Volunteers and leaders for children's ministries are always welcome! Leading children in activities or music, sharing stories, teaching God's truth, preparing snacks and crafts, and helping with Scripture memory are only a few ways to be involved. Some volunteer opportunities are on a rotational basis, while others require a weekly commitment for a year. After praying about how God may use you to impact the lives of CBC's children, contact Pastor Phil for more information on applying to be a children's ministry volunteer. Nursery/Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available for all infants and toddlers and are separated into three groups: newborn/crawlers, one year olds, and two and three year olds. Nursery volunteers are trained to provide a safe, clean, and familiar environment for children. Parents may utilize the nursery during both the Family Education Hour and Worship Service hours. Volunteers and teachers strive to make the nursery a comfortable place for children by providing a fun playtime for children while their parents are elsewhere. Elementary Education/Family Education Hour -- Clackamas Bible Church believes that from a young age, children can begin grounding their faith in God's Word, developing a passion for service, and growing in the desire to live a life that is pleasing to God. In a weekly Sunday School setting during the Family Education Hour, children are grouped according to grade and taught by one teacher for the entire year. They are taught about the realities of life with Christ and challenged to grow in their faith in Jesus through Bible stories and Scripture memory verses. Partway through the multi-generational worship service, children may be invited to a special Children's Church (age 4 through grade 1) and Junior Church (grade 2-5). During this time, children enjoy a variety of kid-friendly and purposeful activities, games and crafts. |