Our Church Community
We are a family of believers, seeking to glorify God by inviting others to grow with us in an abundant relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ken Drake
Lead Pastor

Tristan Harmon
Youth Director

Maureen Goodson
Office Manager

Phil Rankin
Family Ministry Pastor

Patty Drake
Business Administrator

Joshua Cook
Music Worship Leader

Jael McLean
Lead Custodian

Mark McLean
Music Worship Leader

Luke McLean

Where We Come From
The following is excerpted from historical records of the Second Anniversary and Dedication service of Clackamas Bible Church, May 12, 1957
"After five years of prayer for a Gospel work in Clackamas, twelve Christians met in a home on April 29, 1955, to form a Sunday School under the direction of the American Sunday School Union. With the assistance of the ASSU missionary, the IOOF (Odd Fellows) Hall in Clackamas was rented as a temporary meeting place.
​The first classes were held on May 8, 1955. There were thirty-five in attendance for that first meeting. From the beginning, it had been the desire of this group to have a church location of their own; and in October of 1956, the decision was made to build on land donated by a family in the group. Another interested party volunteered to clear the land and dig the basement, and with this the work really began in earnest.
Through the years willing hands and willing hearts have always been enabled by the Lord to accomplish the work He has called His people to do. Though there is much yet to be done, the church looks ahead with confidence that God will continue to supply all things that are necessary.
The object of our faith is the Lord Jesus Christ, the aim of our work is to bring glory to Him, our Hope and Salvation."
​The original land donation was two 50’ x 40’ lots. The current church building sits on this property. In 1958, the parking area and parsonage property were purchased. The parsonage was built by volunteer labor and occupied the summer of 1959. In 1979, the duplex property was purchased, and also built by volunteer help. The Lord graciously provided the funds as needed. The duplex is available to our missionaries when they are on home assignment.